
READ about: THREE RIVERS DEEP book series on FACEBOOK @ https://www.facebook.com/threeriversdeepbooks?ref=aymt_homepage_panel  ***A two-souled girl begins a journey of self-discovery...   (pic source: https://www.pinterest.com/freepeople/fleur/ )
Between your dewy lips and wet time
 I see clocks of white hills
 humming skins, throbbing breaths
 pure, symmetrical breaths.

Inside the tempestuous wilderness
 of your eyelids and thumbnail
 A reflection of paradise exists.

Once again, the frozen earth erupts now
 holding chills, heat and rains all inside
 sulking the primordial fights
 and blossoming tiny weeds of hope.

In the moisture of inks and skies
 Indexation of our inundated words occur
 Hysteria, Incantations, Contentment

™My Valiant Soul

Other Way

picture – Self

 Carry my heart to the other side
where the scent of petunias swirl on my cheekbones,
something divine, something spiritual
Sparkling diamonds inside my smile,
clinging to my feet, the waters are sublime.
Into that wild path, my destination awaits
where fresh rock-dust picks up the moonlight
forming a ball of yellow delight.
Splash, splash, splash.
Here I am wet in the unblended Opulent offing.
My thoughts unravelling like thick fog
Alcoholic eyes, sullen as raisins.
Metamorphosis of a vibrant soul
dripping dry dust only to absorb
Elysian crisp, orange air.

© My Valiant Soul

Wild Star


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image credits- Pinterest


That night was like firecracker. Galaxy overloaded with the stardust. The hums of two souls on this bed sheet could be heard above in the oblivion red sky. The music that our touch produced, the chains formed of lust, the golden promises, the congruence of love. That impeccable mystery rocked the spaces above, it rained heavenly like our jocund voices were heard. The smell of your skin mingled with the Celebration flew across, through the fields brushing those mustard crops and to the valley declaring thunderstorms. The collision was into our breaths, into our sighs.

I saw you bitting my tongue. My pink tongue.

My moans took the form of transparent dewdrops, it was a paroxysm of fire and ice, gliding through your sturdy caricature, flowing diligently into your mind. Creating motif. Chemical formula finally lingering your colossal enigma. The intrusive knots of passion.

It was the thumping of our heartbeats, the intoxication of love, the caress of your touch, making me that fragile flower blooming in despair. A lotus. A shadow of your soul dancing on Earth.

P.S -My poem Soul on Soul published on Spill words. You may check my work here.

©My Valiant Soul


If I were a shadow.

Through the slices of segmented desire
Where the circumference of my peevish skin expands,
I inhale into the tiny molecules that flourish these numb walls,
Mending a crack,
With a mist of romance,
Point of lust, point of dainty smell of you.
I walk through the ruptures of placcid walls enunciating your presence,
And I peel the rim of this cucumber time zone
Where my legs fall in the abyss of surreal moments of you,
Like clicking of needles, rainwater puddle upon my iris,
Now beaming
As if I were a shadow of your dream.
A dream worth swallowing the darkness,
Just to produce the moon’s composure, a debonair companion.

Pastel-Dreamy love


Related image

like colours of star-dust,
with pastels shade, devouring my deleterious thoughts
or the beatific sparkle in petals of morning sunflower
you paint me with the bottle of red wine,
the colours splashing on my skin,
on my waist till the moonlit drops
on my lips, drinking the mystical sweet nectar
cracking my nights to make a vivid lacuna
A lacuna of fondness,
the smell of sheets penetrate into my bones
lifting the veil of frozen thoughts,
like painting colour on a white jackfruit
then bursting the same
burst your touch on my forehead, burst your flow on my cheekbones
a crackling sound, a music of the symphony
Lion devours the she-wolf
A fight indeed, or the wild ocean of invincible smell
the smell of us breathing, Melody
Jingles of star in the galaxy
stroking us with quixotic flavours of cupid
Puerile streams of river now flowing on my sweet breast
on my lips,
on my refreshed eye
creating a new landscape, a landscape of roses romancing the wine.


Published in a magazine.


I have been keeping busy off late, Writing and meeting deadlines and then drafting the manuscript for my next novel has drenched my energy almost. My debutant poetry book can be checked here, in case if you find it appealing. Well, I have been writing less on WordPress as I am trying writing various writings online and submitting it to numerous magazine which is a new deal for a change now.

Writing here is always a pleasant feeling as I get to see numerous wonderful writings and you people leave constructive comments always and my blog is extremely precious to me! But for a change, it would be nice if I can interact elsewhere too. Let’s see how will that go as I know it’s a painful path but then C’mon who said being a writer is all roses?

Still, we have to try and learn and with that positive note, I would like to thank the editor of Indian Periodical magazine who considered my poetry good enough to publish in his marvellous magazine.

Here is the link,

A Daunty Star

Peace out!


Once Again

Image result for hope paintings

My rapacious soul is satisfied,
The ultimate feckless night is perspicacious now!
The outlandish thought once peevish, are palpable through a bright rainbow now,
My lassitude aura has vanished,
The intricate flustered breath is frisky now.
The embellished intentions once connive are beaming through my eyes now!

I am an ebullient puerile soul now,
Undisturbed by the worldly flaky eyes.
I have built my own roads..which leads to a genial place,
Unconcerned about the judgemental minds…
I am breathing once again now!


A place like this

The epitome of peach shaped markings,
Defining the extended fields of valour and hope,
Drooling in my walnut bones,
Mingling in my solitary ebb,
Lies inside a place where my mother
Wakes me up from a cascading nightmare.
To the jubilant staircase of rainbow meadows,
To catch an intrepid molecule of a butterfly
Then to drink a cup of valour,
As I see a place like this
Rupturing, beaming.
Flickering amidst the stars in the sky.