Published in a magazine.


I have been keeping busy off late, Writing and meeting deadlines and then drafting the manuscript for my next novel has drenched my energy almost. My debutant poetry book can be checked here, in case if you find it appealing. Well, I have been writing less on WordPress as I am trying writing various writings online and submitting it to numerous magazine which is a new deal for a change now.

Writing here is always a pleasant feeling as I get to see numerous wonderful writings and you people leave constructive comments always and my blog is extremely precious to me! But for a change, it would be nice if I can interact elsewhere too. Let’s see how will that go as I know it’s a painful path but then C’mon who said being a writer is all roses?

Still, we have to try and learn and with that positive note, I would like to thank the editor of Indian Periodical magazine who considered my poetry good enough to publish in his marvellous magazine.

Here is the link,

A Daunty Star

Peace out!