We need to have something to hold on

I have thought of inculcating a better routine for this month now. I am happy to have my poems accepted in a few magazines as I thought would be doing for the month of March and I am not writing much. So, it’s okay actually! So, each month I would sit along with my journal writing my morning goals and long term goals and then I would bifurcate it into various aspects like mental, physical etc..and so far I have accomplished a few of my monthly goals. This process helps me to clear out any junk in my head and I stay more focused and perform better in all aesthetic aspects.

Apart from this I practice morning pages in which I would jot down all the random thoughts without caring about the handwriting etc but it’s mainly about a clarity in the though process which is too imperative, I believe. Reading the book “The Untethered Soul” was one of the best books that I read last year. The book reading happened while I was in the process of writing my book Crimson Skins and reading such a mindful book gave me such a vivid imagery of what I need to work upon if I want to heal from inside.

What are your opinions about a healthy lifestyle impacting one’s future? Share your routine in comments, maybe?:)

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Love and light




Between the crooked lines and my deaf poetry,

i hear raspberry bowl of emptiness swinging onto my anklet

the sourness, the bitterness

strike right here in the perimeter of earthly images,

a vague amplifier going berserk

silence, noises, screams, Pause.

I am a stained tea- coaster, resting on your blue table

i crave a coffin or a bed now, for I want to cease

till the season changes and my blood spills ink again.


Sunday and Breakfast

Here, I speak the truth to you,
the lies of occupation in appealing people’s sorrow
and the green urban dirt— a ghastly deduction of smiles
makes me a crooked vase of emptiness.
Monday: oh, it pours the spikes in my stomach
and churns the pancreas till the heart bleeds.
Saturday: a monotonous tone of soils parching,
producing fungus and mushrooms
Nothing remains, a wall of concrete harmony.
This tongue here craves the stardust of sunshine if any.
Something between moist eyes and moist thighs goes missing,
something between the linings of bricks and charcoal is vintage epoch.
The aprons, the tables, the cigarettes
the Sundays and the breakfast of savouring
my thunder, clasping the pharynx of my scandalous worth
is my favourite.

©My Valiant Soul