The Night

And after the things have been quiet,
a slow nocturnal pause returns
a pause to collapse again,
There is an endless whistling,
with a bleached sky
a bleached portion of the sunset
I can still touch it,
the surface of things breaking apart,
the nuisance of the blood vessel
the hanging canopy of faces: dry/parallel.
The night takes everything within itself,
abandoned by all,
it has not the face of love.
I know the sniff of abandonment
where the night spews distorted loneliness
through my body – a pool of flustered pink love.

I wrote my poetry book – Crimson Skins out of pain, love, despair. Hope you like it too. Links can be checked out here- IT’S AVAILABLE AT HALF THE COST ON POTHI.:) I have posted the reviews for my book in past posts, check it out if you are skeptical. I would appreciate it.

Crimson skins – US

Crimson Skins- POTHI

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Yellow- a poem

Yellow – scratched and heavy
an unknown desire to melt between the stasis of the sky.
a color that dissolves inside my thin muscles,
my tongue wired up with your name,
a loose sheet of kiss and melancholy,
Yellow: a quiet tapestry that hangs loose
bearing limbs out of balance
bearing mouths dripping foolish sins.
An external pain of the body,
a pain crisp as our bedsheet

I am a bunch of memories that belong to the sky
patched and cornered.


I wrote my poetry book – Crimson Skins out of pain, love, despair. Hope you like it too. Links can be checked out here- IT’S AVAILABLE AT HALF THE COST ON POTHI.:) I have posted the reviews for my book in past posts, check it out if you are skeptical. I would appreciate it.

Crimson skins – US

Crimson Skins- POTHI

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 How many times do I shift my bodily postures?
 from a room so cold, so absolute,
 to a room full of hopes.
 There is a never -ending system
 of dying things in here.
 I move like a ‘banjaran’ 
 wishing for dead leaves,
 painted auburn sky
 sunlight hitting my pale, loose skin,
 I move to hide my burnt scar,
 throbbing now
 layers of cold ripped moths biting each other.
 How many times do I slip from this moment?
 wrapped into a crochet woven by memories,
 How many times do I defy my existence?
 Fragments of red – like winters forming on my chest.
 How many I times I become countless?
  (banjaran- a wanderer)

I would appreciate if you could check out my poetry collection Crimson Skins through the links below. Read it on Kindle maybe? Share and spread.:) INDIA

Crimson skins- US


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Things that happened

Picture- mine

Things happened in the past

with a reckless sigh of breath

with madness screaming above the shore.

Things happened between the sky and the Earth.

Climate / Conditions,

Between. Stone. Tank traces,

a poem got saddened,

quenching and reaching,

split and tear.

Like frozen apples and bananas

I hunt them, roll them

from the pines in the beginning.

Snort on them, put them in my veins,

old things,

Forlorn ankles. Bruised. Soft. Slow.

I have songs from the Island,

that I never share.

Things happened between the day and the night.



Thinking of a Christmas gift? My poetry collection is receiving all the love for which I am truly thankful to each one who supported it. I produced my book out of pain, love, despair. Hope you like it too. Links can be checked out here-

Crimson skins

Crimson Skins- India

Did you read ‘Crimson Skins’?

In the month of August I published my poetry collection ‘Crimson Skins’ which you can check out on all the major online stores. I am proud of my book, for the love it received.:)

A review-

Crimsons skins is a collection of beautifully written poems and proses by Devika Mathur revolving
around several themes of life brought out with effective metaphors. Devika Mathur is an indie writer
with her works published in various journals all across the globe. The first poem ‘olive skin’ is a
wonderful start to the array of poems, every poem more poignant and detailed than the last one. If you
lack imagination, this would be a tough nut to crack but those with a flowing imagination can indulge in
this ingenious journey with every turning page. I specifically enjoyed the complicated but honest
metaphors that were embedded in her poems. Some of the lines cut too deep, almost making you
devour every word to understand how hauntingly beautiful it is.

– Manya Upadhyay Author of -Every Part of me

You can grab your copies by clicking on the following links and if you do please do not forget to leave a review.:)

song of skin


 ARt-Rajendra Gupta

here is my skin

all naked

for the trees to murmur
a soft blow

a hibiscus to press my earlobe
against the pillow

the handprints of the moon
against my cheek,

here is my skin- sliced as an orange
piquant as sunrays

over the glare of the auburn sky
my skin- a nectar of soft honey sigh

of a mother's soft voice,

Buy My book

A few facts about Loneliness

My loneliness spews from the dark curtains

/ fevering beneath a molted lampshade, running

amidst the hanging treehouse, a sharp blue gong of a temple.

Upon the arrival of next month, my tongue develops a sickness,

                           I sit

I stand

                          I sit

In a nonchalant abrupt way,

          Defying the lucid crispness of nights,

I carry a storm of perforated stars in my womb,

delivering a slick wall of hope, again till the next month arrives.

I have a list of ways in which I take care of myself-

                          Practicing gratitude till the eyes die out of numb shocks,

Watching the surreal wings of birds, till I am being judged

And the process never ends,

Till the process of death is shining on my iris.


Buy my poetry collection ‘ Crimson Skins’ here- U.S

And for Indian readers buy your copies here-

The book is available as Kindle as well as on Barnes and Noble, Book Depository.

Happy reading.:)

Thank You!

A day before yesterday, I noticed how my blog got more than 5k subscribers and I never got an opportunity to sit and express my gratitude to all those who have supported me in all my thick and thins. Thank you for believing in my words and my mind. There is a lot that can happen over a cup of coffee and poetry and I hope you have enjoyed the journey with me so far in reading and writing poetry and prose. I am stoked to see the kind of love I accumulated over the past 2 and half years, it really makes me wholesome. I am trying my best in catching up with maximum blogs that I can. The WordPress algorithm has apparently changed a lot now.

Also, thank you for all your lovely wishes for my just released book- Crimson Skins

which you can check out India- here- and UK here.

Crimson Skins is curated with utmost sincerity and hope that my readers can cherish my words. The collection took a whole lot of my energy and I am proud to say I survived so many things while I was in the process. This book will not disappoint you if you resonate with my poetry.

Thank you for being a part of my writing journey! Take care.

(I will be sharing my newsletter soon, just taking a small break since I can easily be anxious).

Releasing this 2020- Crimson Skins

I am more than thrilled to announce that my second collection of poems will be soon released this year. “Crimson Skins” deals with life journey, loss, isolation, etc. I have stayed honest throughout my poems and this took almost all of my energy. If you are fond of my writing style I urge you to keep your eyes wide open for it. This book is an outcome of my 1.5 years of sweat, tears, and ink.

I hope you all stay excited as I publish this book with Indie Blu(e) Publishing. This amazing book cover has been designed by my talented friend and artist Henna Johansdotter.


Thank you for always reading and supporting me.
