
Listen up
amidst the greenfield. raindrops dancing.
onto our toes.
Heavy atmosphere.
Seagulls atop our fingenails.
Wait, watch the sky.
Wait. Here, count the sky.
seraphic susurrous sighs.                                                                                               Sustenance
            climb the stairs                                                                                     Sliding
                            climb the sky 
                                         reverberate                                               Anthropocene
                                                       Pronounce                     Platonic.
Do not flutter now.
Wait for me.
Let's elope together
into the void
into the madness.

Please click on the poem to read the experimental format of the poem.


Read my poetry collection ‘Crimson Skins’ on Kindle, Amazon.

Barnes and noble

To my readers- thank you

I am writing this post to express my gratitude to all those who recently bought a copy of my book ‘Crimson Skinsand left such heartfelt messages, emails etc about the impact of my book. My poetry collection was written during the more coarse phase of my life and I am glad, you all loved it.

It’s a request if you have read it please leave a review on amazon/ goodreads as it helps indie authors like us.

“she entraps the sky in her fingernails” (A goddess)– (From my collection.)

You can buy your copies here-

Crimson skins- US

Crimson Skins- India



My days in afternoon are nothing like yours,
I spend most of it by bird- watching,
Somersaulting colors of the sky,
I sip my chamomile tea to prepare my mind 
for the evening’s strangers visit to my head.
My days are nothing like yours,
I adorn my necklaces again and again,
repetitive rituals often act like a slippery therapy.
Quiet and nostalgic.
Moments of velvet sadness.
I end my nights by weeping a little more,
by diffusing some hot coconut oil in my lamp,
to cease the heartache with a portion of leftover food maybe
as insane as it must be.
These are the things I do, to protect myself.

I wrote my poetry book – Crimson Skins out of pain, love, despair. Hope you like it too. Links can be checked out here- IT’S AVAILABLE AT HALF THE COST ON POTHI.:) I have posted the reviews for my book in past posts, check it out if you are skeptical. I would appreciate it.
Crimson skins – US
Crimson Skins- POTHI
Subscribe to my newsletter- https://tinyletter.com/my_valiant_sou

A love tale

Beneath my chin
above the nape of the neck
a heralding discover I utter,
a tune of orgasm in sunshine
a tune of roaring diaphragm,
here, I sit and count my fingers dipped
numb and electric,
so much despair
that stares back.
So much to reach
just a hand
cold, cold, cold
and nothing else now.
Limping and stuttering,
between my cold clavicle
with bones so thin and weak
There is a waterfall of endless poetry
dripping from my bosom
a monotone of soft , quiet landscapes.
It spills again,
roaming in a silver night

I produced my book – Crimson Skins out of pain, love, despair. Hope you like it too. Links can be checked out here- IT’S AVAILABLE AT HALF THE COST ON POTHI.:) I have posted the reviews for my book in past posts, check it out if you are skeptical.

Crimson skins – US

Crimson Skins- POTHI

Subscribe to my newsletter- https://tinyletter.com/my_valiant_soul

Tiny letter- A mindful letter straight to your inbox


It’s just a reminder if in case you all wish to receive a mail full of mindful resources, articles along with some classic poetry, artwork you can subscribe to my newsletter that I have been issuing since the pandemic started in order to balance out all the negativity with a dash of positivity.

You just have to subscribe to the mailbox and you can enjoy different poetries while sipping on your favourite tea and maybe anytime you wish to read. I still will be hanging onto my this platform along with my Instagram, twitter handle.


Love & light,


Thank you!