

image credits- Pinterest


Romancing with winter involves more than seduction to its frosty night. There is a pit darker inside the walls of a colossal ball of shadow. A shadow where skins of lost soul bloom. A pool of infinite kisses. The chills of silent lustrous night expand in the most imposing manner, like the feathers of peacock romancing with the rain.

The icing on the cherry-trees, the dew of the moon stuck to my window panes that resemble my naked face. Oh, I am beautiful.

Emancipation from the shallow hollows of palm, I see patterns of sweet nectar dripping from the sky, drip by drip, onto my cheekbones and I am a lyric once again.

The full moon shares its forlorn stories to my healing lips. I am a partner in solitude and war. It teaches me the art of sustenance—flourishing like the wild sunflower. The touches of laughter of the newly born, the spiritual talks of the old ladies, dedicate me more to the flowers of Winter.

I emerge from the last rains and beneath the elasticity of murmurs, I inhale potions of infinite joy.

©My Valiant Soul


Published by

my valiant soul

A dreamer and a believer for the upliftment of women rights. A published poet, author, writer. Believes in dancing and cooking amazing food for hungry souls at times. Loves to write and write till the moon is satisfied. My writings can be found at Visual Verse, Indian Periodical, Sick Lit mag, Duane's Poetree, Thistle magazine, among various others. Curator of Olive Skins.

50 thoughts on “As-I-Worship-Winter”

  1. Oh, gosh, Devika, what a beautiful piece of art you’ve created here. From the title (the use of hyphens allow the reader to absorb the title, slowly and methodically) which really foreshadows the stages of the piece, through the image you selected, which is just beautiful, to the prose you write, this is a brilliant use of mixing imagery to create something extraordinary.

    You are right: romancing winter takes more than seducing the frosty night. It does involve delving deeper into the core of that dark ball of shadow. And how gorgeous is that image of the skins of lost souls blooming in that shadow.Your comparison of the spread of a chilling night to the spreading of a peacock’s plume as it romances the rain is breathtaking and so vivid one can see it perfectly.

    How beautifully you have described the physical impact of frost on the cherry trees and the window panes.Frost patterns are unique, like finger prints, and beautiful and you, too, are like those frost patterns. These lines made me sigh and are swoon worthy.

    The next image is beyond breathtaking. Freeing the frozen droplets of dew, captured and imprisoned in frost, with the heat from your palm, really stimulates the visual senses. Yes, you are definitely lyric again!!

    The healing balm of moonlight glow is a powerful image. That you are a partner both in solitude and in war, is very telling about the depth of your character and formidable nature of your loyalty. And it’s true, we can learn a lot about sustenance while fighting wars internally or externally.

    Your final comparisons speak to the nature of your spirituality showing us that your inward beauty is also vibrantly worn on the outside.

    Beautiful poetry, Devika!!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I was feeling myself wrapped in the arms of winter today, so thought of writing this. The frosty nights, the chills and the encapsulating arms of nights all take me to a different level of spirituality and a world unknown to me.

      I am thrilled to see you resonate with my this prose as well nd enjoyed the chills and warmth of it equally. You as always have blessed my work with your benign blessings and words.

      I am grateful to your sweet gesture of considering my metaphors and personifications to a zenith level. All the imageries are close to my heart and I am sure you saw that too, as I read in your bewildering remark.

      Thankful to you, always!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Inspiration lives all around you and you always find a way to connect with the external and internal seasons in your environment. Your words always resonate with me and I do enjoy the depth of your figurative language. You are most welcome, as always!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t comment much on your work because I don’t know what to say. You always leave me speechless and whenever I wish to say something I see that it has already been said.
    But I will say this now that you are truly talented and it will definitely take you to high places.
    And gorgeous profile picture. 💛💚

    Liked by 2 people

    1. My dear friend, must I say I am all smiles to see your beautiful remark.
      It is your love dear that defines my work somehow for you are a beautiful soul.
      I am really honoured to hear your precious words. Means a lot to me.
      Thankyou for your love.❤❤

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I think you have captured
    well here Devika…
    winter’s slow embrace.
    through drip
    and downspout
    trickle the earth
    collects all
    water from
    the house
    pulling it
    tightly to
    her body
    in a slow
    Have a nice day star diamond.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The flowers of winter… what a beautiful line for a beautiful post on the beauty of winter. You have a classic way with words, an understanding of what you write. The images you create in our minds make us part of the piece, and that is true talent. I wish you happiness and peace as you inhale the potions of infinite joy. 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You have approached and arrived at the pure joy in embracing the beauty of all that is internal, expressed in the external( and vice versa) – you have done it with great skill and wisdom with the pace only a truly aware soul can take – so you are not trapped in any of the superficial layers of what creates the pull – you courageously go to the core for the true and pure. Incredible what you do with words and the imagery!
    I feel like I have no idea what I am saying but it is coming from the place where I got immersed …hoping it relates.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Pd!
      I am still trying to decipher the hidden meaning of your words as they are so pious to me.
      Thankyou for understanding the skill and appreciating the imagery!
      I am blessed to have a wonderful friend like you.
      Love to you, always!❤

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hmm …yes MVS, I too felt that I am not being very clear yet typed the words that came. I am not able to clearly access the depth of what you create in your poems yet …
        Thank you for accepting my truthfulness 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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