
That’s life.

Run among the Autumn leaves. Run among your cascading bruises. The skin that is swollen now, the eyes which are full of jaundice, even if fingernails fall. Run.

Beneath the tree, under the valley, rub your scars, screech, shout, rub your scars again till you faint , naked facing the mirror of life.

To die or not to die, we all came to buy the bourbon once. The stale cracking lies you hold, the mask that you spit each day, dark, humid drums.

I carry in my mind, the eyelids yearning to be opened now. The electricity of sugar and salt concoction.

Take a pause. Survive. Ascend, Descend. Burn the walls like floating miseries.

Fall in Love with the fireworks inside your mind. Defeat. Put fog inside your collar bone, powder your dreams. Choose colours again. Red, mauvy red, Magenta.

Splash the cold water, like opening poetry lines, oh now you get me?

Run, Discover. This is life.

Published by

my valiant soul

A dreamer and a believer for the upliftment of women rights. A published poet, author, writer. Believes in dancing and cooking amazing food for hungry souls at times. Loves to write and write till the moon is satisfied. My writings can be found at Visual Verse, Indian Periodical, Sick Lit mag, Duane's Poetree, Thistle magazine, among various others. Curator of Olive Skins.

80 thoughts on “Circle”

  1. I loved this poem.A ray of hope is seen in this.Like life you started poem with bruises and all.But you even told to go through them how bad they may be.The words tell to fave the worst. ” Rub your scars till you faint ” wow..soo good.And then electricity of Salt and sugar..which says both sides of life.And the next paragraph is where ray of hope begins,it says to pause and start all over again.And this whole paragraph “Fall in Love with the fireworks inside your mind. Defeat. Put fog inside your collar bone, powder your dreams. Choose colours again. Red, mauvy red, Magenta…bliss..loved a lot.It’s kind of synopsis of entire life.I lie how you play with word show you tell simple feelings with vocabulary and imagery.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sometimes I try writing the positive facets of life too that including how this life circle or cycle works. A process of getting bruised and healing simultaneously. This is exactly what you have summarized through your words.
      Loved the fact that you enjoyed this as well.
      Thank you Kalyan for showering your kind words yet again. You are surely a genuine reader.
      Thank you for all your time!

      Liked by 3 people

  2. All things we experience in life, come full circle – once an adult, twice a child, so to speak. Your poetry brings full circle the experiences of life. I love the image of rubbing scars and fainting in front of life’s mirror – we really do reflect life and life reflects us. Beautiful poetry, Devika.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. “To die or not to die, we all came to buy the bourbon once.” -splendid line Valiant.

    this makes me want a house with a big tree to shed leaves every fall and play in.

    congratulations, you threw me in a leaf pile; are you happy now? lol

    well penned.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. This truly is a life and we live it in circles. All emotions culminate, some at the same time, and this is how it is meant to be. If we think of it, without sadness in life there would be no happiness because we would have nothing to contrast it with. I love how your mind works through snippets of human existence.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. The circle of life beautifully described with all your metaphors of salt and sugar and the crushed dreams and scars which never heals and get scraped again and again so what you do, you get up to face your fear and run again only to get exhausted, falter in your steps and fall to get bruised. Oh, I love this piece.

    Liked by 1 person

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