Journey so far

A year and a half now on this beautiful platform which gave me an opportunity of sharing my writings and reading some brilliant work too. I want to take a moment and say how grateful I am to all the lovely people here who never fail to encourage and support me. A lot happened during this journey as once I also deleted my blog back in 2017 and then made this new one which again you guys flooded with love, thanks for that! Last year also I got featured in various beautiful online journals and with God’s grace, many more are upcoming including my next book.

To be honest, I don’t follow back all my followers for the mere fact that you are not my cup of tea doesn’t mean that you ain’t good. So let’s just say that! I deal with various body illness and often mind slaps which makes me write dark poetry. I know most of you must be like get over with it already…but if you don’t like it step ahead, please. I won’t stop writing what I feel. Oh yeah, I write philosophy too or love poetry too!

I have met some repulsive creeps also on WordPress which I can’t even begin to describe because I don’t want to. I don’t want to make my vibes squalid and disgusted.

And to all you lovely souls, thank you for your immense love, I hit 2K in December and since then I wanted to thank you all. I always shall appreciate you and I shall always breathe poetry.


Published by

my valiant soul

A dreamer and a believer for the upliftment of women rights. A published poet, author, writer. Believes in dancing and cooking amazing food for hungry souls at times. Loves to write and write till the moon is satisfied. My writings can be found at Visual Verse, Indian Periodical, Sick Lit mag, Duane's Poetree, Thistle magazine, among various others. Curator of Olive Skins.

100 thoughts on “Journey so far”

  1. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 you are always the one I look up to.MAYBE the dark poetry is something which bring out the talent and intensity in everyone.Anyway,I am lucky to read your poetry for free without GST.Thanks for being her and thanks for your replies

    Liked by 1 person

  2. As I started reading, I was getting an eerie feeling that you are saying bye. Thankfully, as I progressed, I began breathing easy. Dark or not, your poetry is brilliant. There will always be genuine lovers of your poetry, count me in. Much love and more power to you, dear friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The WordPress comunity must be really proud to have a member such as you. Never stop writing and never stop sharing your poetry with us. You’re a terribly real artist.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Even though I’m one of those repulsive creeps…
    Congrats and you will always have my full support…
    Naw… all jokes aside though… I might not hit the like button which I should and I don’t like leaving robot Clechie comments… You no what I’m talking about…. lol!
    I always read your, and red your words sence day one… Your amazing way of thinking is just a speachless experience…
    real shit!
    I pray nothing but great things come your way and that you are safe…
    I’ll shut the hell up now…. lol✌

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are totally a genuine reader who is not at all repulsive I think.
      I am pretty open about my likes and dislikes and so surely your words soothe me only.

      Thank you for reading my work which I did not know until now and now I know, I want to thank you sincerely.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Bless you MVS. So glad you have put it out there, and thankyou for your honesty. I understand EXACTLY what you are saying. I love your,poetry, though some days I too struggle with bodily illness, and do not respins how I would like to. I live that you are HONEST, and that you write honestly. It is the only way to be. I often troybld about writing dark poetry, but so often we have to express the darker sude of things. For myself, when I have done that, people tend to run away from me. On the other hand, those who also are struggling relate to it. And that does not mean that when we write more peacefully, for want of a better word, we are not being honest as well. The two sides can still be part of the same person. Keep writing MVS. You have encouraged me greatly, and I want to encourage you also. X

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lorraine, firstly I love you.
      I know how our dark write up’s detach people from our poetry but really that does not matter. We write to bleed our pain or emotions and we should never see what others expect.
      My honesty and this post is dedicated to you love. I know you are much stronger than I think. I wish you all the happiness and strength for you are a warrior yourself.
      Thank you for motivating me further!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh MVS. Yes, indeed, I am strong. Did not used to be, but have learned it through many many trials in life. We say, in our particular faith, that it is when we are weak that we are strong. I tend to try to steer away from any particular faith angle, because I am well aware that people of all faiths and none read my stuff. I want ALL to be welcome. But, yes, to make ourselves vulnerable is to be very strong indeed. Oh yes, I DO write dark poetry. Some of it, I have posted. And those that relate to it like it. Also, there may be a kind of guidance for want of a better word, in how to help forminstance a blind person feel more part of relationship and life. Thankyou so much for your love. I love you too. You are a great blessing x

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Peace to you and congratulations. I’ve deleted a couple of blogs myself here on WP. Sometimes, beginning again is what’s needed.
    Your words have strength, that is what sustains a Writer. May each new experience be one you can learn and grow from.
    Be well, MVS.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I know you know how much I love your writing. You always amaze me and brighten my day, even with your dark side. 😊 Keep writing what you feel and never change for anyone! Hugs and love my friend. ☺💛

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I do enjoy your darker poetry as well as bright and positive ones. Never really felt detached by its essence, but I’m biased due to darker nature tho.
    Wish you luck with anything you do. Wish you back on track with not only health, also with motivation and faith. Waiting for upcoming pieces!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I so am honored to have some amazing writer friends like you Matthew. Thank you for loving all my work irrespective of it’s nature and it truly means a lot!

      I always love to hear from you. Thank you for all your blessings too. I am touched.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are such a generous spirit!
        (And I agree with you on this point as well, about not following everyone back because they may not be your cup of tea, but it doesn’t mean they aren’t good writers etc.)
        You are so inspiring! Will continue to hope and pray for your health too 🌸

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Congrats on 2K ..may more Ks add up every year.
    I, like all your fans love your style of writing, it’s so sublime, exquisite metaphors and imagery that transports. You make the dark beautiful, and the sense of perseverance that pervades your poems is so uplifting. I was not a fan of poetry before joining WP, reading you has been a revelation and though I would never achieve such finesse and beauty, it doesn’t stop me from getting inspired by your writing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You know, people like you make me all smiles with your kind words. I really appreciate you and your writings as well.
      Thank you for reading poetry even though you weren’t a big fan of it and that means so much.

      I am sincerely thankful.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. You are my favorite here and always amazing on words however I wish you write more romantic poetries as you’re unmatchably best on it.You inspire me a lot to write better stuff and i wish you’ll get rid of dark pains soon.
    Congrats & wish you loads of positive vibes with success ahead.
    Keep writing & smiling😇

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay, finally a word of appreciation from my kind brother.
      Thank you so much for always reading my work and constant support. I really admire you for your kind words.
      Always a pleasure to hear from you.
      Wishing you peace and light.

      Liked by 2 people

  11. Congratulations. That’s quite a milestone, My Valiant Soul.
    I quite enjoy your writings so keep at it .
    I must say, the initial paragraph and titles were suggestive of a goodbye. I’m so glad that that’s not the case 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I only found and followed your blog very recently but I love the honesty that’s told through your poems…. it’s real life and is so relatable for so many people, no need to sugarcoat the truth! I started writing poems only last year (and by poems, I mean little rambles that kind of look like poems sometimes and no way near the beauty of your art) and I’ve found it so therapeutic….it’s putting my thoughts to paper and shaping things together I’d never think I’d be able to express in such away! Anyway, I love your poems and congrats on your achievements both here and elsewhere, you definitely deserve it 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Rachel!
      I was just going through your poems and trust me they are amazing. You have a flair for writing beautiful verses and you seem a lot talented.
      It’s true writing is therapeutic and such a beautiful way of meditation.
      I am looking forward to reading More of you and wish you all the love and happiness.


      Liked by 1 person

  13. Congratulations!! Devika on your much deserved milestone and wishing you many more. Your name says it all, an elegant goddess of poetry. Love you always.Keep spilling those words for soothing our souls.


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