I am still alive

It wasn’t like I was soaking in a pool of sunsets and sunrises
I was alive and breathing, the time you felt my body
overlapping my curves, you swore you learned geography
like the Polaris meeting the souths of your dark pole

I giggled, moved like a lighthouse
swamping in potholes and dents of a curved house,
I was alive and breathing with a firefly floating inside my head
With a bouquet of red hopes disguised as your white fingers
touching my white sane mind, white bedsheets, white walls.
The black corners clashed, carbon mouth descending, still breathing.

I remember picking up a cactus and swallowing it. Ingesting sweet Irish coffee.
Swirling a garland of despising and pebbles of mundane realities.
I was evolving and thawing. You intact my shapes and declared me Nuclear.

Seasons yelling. Nature smirking.
I was still breathing beneath the iron chains and rusty tables.
Falling leaves adorned my body often, like a thunder giggling a thunder.

I still am stirring and breathing.

• • • • MVS

Published by

my valiant soul

A dreamer and a believer for the upliftment of women rights. A published poet, author, writer. Believes in dancing and cooking amazing food for hungry souls at times. Loves to write and write till the moon is satisfied. My writings can be found at Visual Verse, Indian Periodical, Sick Lit mag, Duane's Poetree, Thistle magazine, among various others. Curator of Olive Skins.

60 thoughts on “I am still alive”

  1. And here comes the dawn. I don’t think I need to tell you how sublime your techniques are, for that would be banal. But this much I will say, my dear soul sis,that your light truly shines through this. ❤ ❤

    Liked by 5 people

      1. Haha…i wish soon you’ll live & breath more with happiness spontaneously instead of trying☺👌
        Lots of lights & smiles for my wonderful sister!!

        Liked by 2 people

  2. This is so beautiful that my words will fall short of praise for this piece. ❤ You have such gorgeous way with words. I adore that much. ❤ 🙂 Keep shining. 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

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