Some things to say!

Hola dear readers!

How is your life? Mine is full on sucking with no grace whatsoever.Like literally sucking! I just wanted to take a moment and be gracious to all those who nominated me for many awards, as much as I am honoured I wanted to say that mine is an award free blog so please respect that as I respect your time to read my poetries.

Secondly, why I still get comments like” nice” or just “please visit my blog” like are you kidding me? Do I know you? No! Do I know from where have you landed? So why not begin with a decent “hi?” Please don’t leave me such creepy comments or I will make sure not to follow such peeps.

And yeah I will follow only those blogs whom I am interested in.:)

Published by

my valiant soul

A dreamer and a believer for the upliftment of women rights. A published poet, author, writer. Believes in dancing and cooking amazing food for hungry souls at times. Loves to write and write till the moon is satisfied. My writings can be found at Visual Verse, Indian Periodical, Sick Lit mag, Duane's Poetree, Thistle magazine, among various others. Curator of Olive Skins.

69 thoughts on “Some things to say!”

      1. Yeah totally. I mean I literally get these weird comments telling me to follow them or like their posts. Isn’t it so strange ?

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Nationalities do matter it is a game of sorts some early followers started playing with me I’m Irish not offended when referred to as British – that little game is over now so Indian you are from here on in.

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      2. Even I am not offended, I honour all the nationalities per se and I am actually fond of different nationalities and culture, but just thought I must say that I am not spanish..thats all.


  1. I remember you wrote a post awhile back about some people just liking all of your posts so you would do it in return. At the time I hadn’t experienced it, but shortly after someone liked 15-20 of my posts at one time, the notifications popped up one after another while I was on wordpress so I figured they weren’t reading my writings.. and then they asked me to check out their blog. And it really disappointed me.

    So I definitely don’t blame you for feeling that way. I wish people wouldn’t treat this as other social networks. :-/ It’s nicer to interact and get to know people as human beings, not as potential likes. Numbers don’t mean anything if no one is really reading.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Scarlet!
      Yes I did write it on my previous blog about the “likes” issue but now asking me to follow on my comment is annoying.
      I simply do not accept such comment and mark them as spam only because this is a community that is designed to grow together so really this is not the correct way.
      I am sorry you felt the same issue as I know how vexatious it can be.
      Anyway try to be bold and spam such blogs, haha.
      Thanks for dropping dear and sharing your views.
      Much love.:)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Alright,
    First of all, I’m not a peep. You’ll know in a while why I established that fact first.
    But you’re clearly an Indian, then why did CJ Black called you a Spaniard, I’m just curious, that’s all. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. This post resonates with me. In fact, I was thinking of making a post especially about those who just visit once and drop their blog links and ask that you follow them back.or visit their blogs. It’s crazy and I think it’s a wrong attitude.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Well-said, MVS! I guess even WordPress has it’s like-seekers and it isn’t limited to Facebook or Twitter. Nothing makes me NOT want to visit a blog than a blog begging to be viewed and better it is to say nothing than to say ‘nice’ post 🙂 However, just so you know, I like your posts and find them to be nice. Sorry, had to do that. You know I am a huge fan of your work! Peace, joy and much love to you, my relatively new blogging friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m sorry I somehow missed this post and still nominated you. I was actually thinking of doing the same exact thing; but as I was nominated three times in less than a week felt it was needed to spread the love.
    That being said, I respect and appreciate your choice. I know I won’t be blogging on awards again. It breaks the flow of my blog.
    Thank you for sharing your lovely poems; I always enjoy reading them! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s not a big deal as I am honoured that you thought of me well enough to nominate me for the award.
      That means a lot and I am equally flattered.
      I get why you feel the urge to do the awards as you try to respect others but I am by no means disrespecting your honour.
      I hope you understand!
      Much thanks.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Hang in there Miss Soul…
    Most importantly believe in yourself.
    I believe in you and I’m just a casual observer.
    That’s just based on strength you show in your writing Devika.
    Your strength will see you through.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. hey! I read most of your blogs and I’m planning to read your book as well. I entered this platform a few weeks back and the things you reffered to here are really annoying for a writer who puts in all of his heart in his work. I hope this will not become another social networking site where people just scroll and press like witout actually giving it a read! 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I second you dear Manveen! These things are actually annoying as yesterday I received countless ‘likes’ and what not and for sure I know my posts were not even read so what I do is to make sure not to hit ‘follow’ for them.
      Hope you dont get in this latest trap by people. Follow your genre of blogs only.And yes, you are so sweet to say that for my book.☺


  8. There was an award?
    But in answer to your question, my life feels like it is in a holding pattern. A publisher has been taking forever considering my novel, I’ve been working my way down a list of agents, and my weight loss is unpredictable. I won’t lose any weight for a couple of weeks and then the scale suddenly says I lost two or three pounds over a weekend.
    On the upside, my idea for a new novel has given me an excuse to reread Emerson as research.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I so appreciate and applaud your honest straightforward message to the follow-seekers …I too am very uncomfortable with that behavior.
    I wish to continue to have a network here that genuinely feels the emotion behind the work and help each other grow.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Pd!
      I really don’t like other social media’s that do not produce any constructive opinion or thoughts. WP is not like that and it should always remain clean and tidy.
      I am glad you like my thought on this.☺

      Liked by 2 people

    1. I do not know about random bloggers but yes my spam is piling up, and random people come and hit that like button on all my past posts like a magic!
      I wonder how they do it. Anyway, thank you for joining this conversation. Much appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Wow! So good to know from your post and the comments (not all), that people don’t want this place to be turned into any other social networking site. Respect!! I liked your honesty 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for paying a read Meet!
      Yes, there are people who actually want this platform for writers, and it is really satisfying. I know, how tiring it becomes to see the comments and likes that make no sense. I am glad you liked my honesty!


  11. Aww! I’m sending you many big smiles and blessings. I hope that your weekend is going beautifully. Thank you for a beautiful post. You are a wonderful writer. 🙂 Blessings, Debbie ps – my mom had a saying that I loved, “You are my sunshine”. Sharing in case it brightens you!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I hope you are doing better now! I guess we all have our ups and downs, but it was during one of the worse periods that I started writing like a madman because it ended up being therapy for me. Since that time, I found that I love writing as much as my muse allows me to. Hang in there! All is not lost just carried a bit further out on the tide. It will come back in… I promise! :-)))

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