Please read this.

Hello dear readers,

I have no clue how to begin this but I definitely feel sad to see how people on this lovely community are showing lack of interaction on my blog. I understand, how I was not always there to read all your lovely posts as I was caught up in the releasing/ promoting procedure of my poetry book.

But I dont want my bond with my valuable readers to die out. I have invested my love on this platform through my poetry.

Please let me know if I can catch up with your recent works as well. I truly care about this blog, our community, our love for writing.

(In case you wish to read my book-Crimson Skins, you can check out Amazon and bookswagon.)



Published by

my valiant soul

A dreamer and a believer for the upliftment of women rights. A published poet, author, writer. Believes in dancing and cooking amazing food for hungry souls at times. Loves to write and write till the moon is satisfied. My writings can be found at Visual Verse, Indian Periodical, Sick Lit mag, Duane's Poetree, Thistle magazine, among various others. Curator of Olive Skins.

53 thoughts on “Please read this.”

  1. Hello Devika. I read this and my heart bled. I did not realise that you were not getting comments. Being blind, I don’t see all those kinds of things. I do know how you feel, as very often, I receive no comnents either, and it upsets me greatly. We all need our feedback. And yes we ARE a community. I don’t know whether it is the pandemic or what, but people seem to have dropped off my blog too. My number of views has fallen drastically, and, like you, I wondered why. I thought it must be the way I was writing, and maybe people did not like it. That led to some deep soul searching. So I tried to change my style. But people still dropped off. I don’t know what is happening Devika. I for myself apologise for not leaving comments. I will try to do so in future. I am not very good at saying much about poems. I know if I like them or not, or ifbthey create a particular emotional response in me, but beyond that I am no good. But Ivwill do better because I hear your heartfelt plea. I worry about writing because being blindd I make so many errors making it hard to understandcwhat I am saying. I also do not understand why the “like” button does not always work on some blogs. It also seems to depend on which iPad I am on. I will try to go through some ofnyour piems Deviks, and comnent. I care deeply about you. You have followed me faithfully from the beginning and never dropped off, and for that I thank you. Bles you my frkend. I hear you ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Lorraine-
      Thank you for such warmth. I still cherish you and your words. Over a couple of years I have seen you growing. Your passion, your love , everything. I am so proud of you my friend. I cherish our talks that occured. Thank you for everything.
      I hope my poetry still elates you. Be well love!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Devika,

    Lovely to see you reaching out, as it will happen to anyone who take work and life, dedicatedly towards work and realisation. I hope your endeavours are bearing fruit and of course this community is as important In not just building a writer poet, but this process which is honey like in many ways and probably a mirror than anything else.

    My wishes to you

    Liked by 4 people

  3. I think most folks that are active on WP are also busy writing and vesting their love and passion into our own blogs as well. If you find it challenging to find time to engage (or “like”) on the blogs of others, you can understand that others may have the same challenge – it’s not personal. 😊

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I believe everyone’s blog is readily available to be read at your leisure. In so much as others reading your blog, life’s priority changes on a daily basis for everyone. Perhaps your post are being missed inadvertently? I do know, I read your post when they are filtered into my streams. Congrats on your book.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh, ma’am!
    It’s okay if people don’t leave comments but I believe that your regular readers would never miss your poems. It happens to all of us here. Hope your lovely readers shower you with Love.❤️
    Congratulations on your book ma’am!😇

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I don’t know for sure but sense that folk have become more emotionally withdrawn, as well as physically and socially in their daily life; I know I have – I read fewer blogs, I post less too, I engage much less (not that I did that much before) – to me its a symptom of the conscious and unconscious stress we all feel in these unsettled times. It’s tough to publish poetry, yet a goal so many of us have accomplished this year – with the translation of blog support and encouragement into Amazon sales all the harder it seems to me – if you’re getting sales anywhere near what you are comfortable with you’re doing well, and if enough to make you happy, you’re doing very well indeed – either way a reflection of your blog presence and the regard out there for your writing. All the best to you. Eric

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I only have admiration and high regard for your beautiful expressions. WordPress is such a genuine place of authentic connections, I thought I had stopped blogging, yet here I am pulled by the warmth here. Time priorities is a juggle and I am happily finding my way back after a very long break. Congratulations on your book and wish you more fulfilling times ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Devika, I think the pandemic changed a lot of things. But at the end of the day we need to come back and support each other. I said it and I am going to say it again: You are one of the best poetess I’ve ever read.
    Sending you love

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I feel your pain Devika. As a blogger, I want our community to grow and appreciate the efforts we put in. So glad somebody took time to write this. We aren’t just a community, we are a family. Supporting is necessary. Every time we write a poem or anything we want nothing from the other person but whenever someone appreciates our talent it feels like a blessing. I would love to read all of your blogs. Thank you for writing this one. Love love. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hi Devika. It’s been quite long since I read you but remember I will always come back here no matter where I go. It’s just that things aren’t well on my side and I don’t have enough strength to go on.
    I hope you are keeping well. You are beautiful and I cherish you and your art so much.

    Liked by 1 person

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