Other Way

picture – Self

 Carry my heart to the other side
where the scent of petunias swirl on my cheekbones,
something divine, something spiritual
Sparkling diamonds inside my smile,
clinging to my feet, the waters are sublime.
Into that wild path, my destination awaits
where fresh rock-dust picks up the moonlight
forming a ball of yellow delight.
Splash, splash, splash.
Here I am wet in the unblended Opulent offing.
My thoughts unravelling like thick fog
Alcoholic eyes, sullen as raisins.
Metamorphosis of a vibrant soul
dripping dry dust only to absorb
Elysian crisp, orange air.

© My Valiant Soul

Published by

my valiant soul

A dreamer and a believer for the upliftment of women rights. A published poet, author, writer. Believes in dancing and cooking amazing food for hungry souls at times. Loves to write and write till the moon is satisfied. My writings can be found at Visual Verse, Indian Periodical, Sick Lit mag, Duane's Poetree, Thistle magazine, among various others. Curator of Olive Skins.

77 thoughts on “Other Way”

  1. Ah, the other side, be it a river, to be with a lover or to experience the paradise on those Elysian fields, admired and looked upon by the gods. I love how your work often references Elysium – the place we strive to be when in love or when we are searching for it. So, too, I love how you retain the imagery of dust, sparkling, metamorphosis, as you use it in many of your pieces. In your dark pieces, these represent an opportunity or wish to find light while here you have found it. Recurring themes and motifs within a poet’s work creates a strong sense of unification but it also allows the reader to see patterns within the poets themselves. Each piece of yours I read, the more I get to know the person behind the pen (she’s fabulous, by the way 🙂 ). And, we all know that there can be no darkness without periods of light to contrast its beauty. You write profoundly in both the shadows of dark imagery or vibrancy of light. Great photo, too by the way. It’s very fitting for this piece! Another stunning and inspirational piece of work, Devika.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The theory that you produced about “Elysian” is so accurate as I am fascinated by its charm.
      My poems do inculcate a lot of dust, soarkling and etc stuff making it monotonous I wonder. I am pretty addicted to such words.
      Moon, stardust are the soul of a poetry atleast that is what I feel.
      And you noticed this at the drop of the hat!
      Obviously, I am not offended but intrigued by your intelligence and observation!
      Thank you for these deep, raw insights which one might fail to get.
      You are best at unveiling things.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Paradise (in all its forms, be it ancient Elysium, The garden of Eden, Heaven, Jannah or one of it’s eight grades, and many others) is something all cultures are fascinated with that which many poets have pondered over throughout the ages.

        The dust and sparkle in your poetry may reference a monotony (or a more sedentary quality) at times, but these things also reflect a magical quality. And, let’s not forget, that we are all made up of different parts of the universe, including stardust 🙂 I notice these things in your writing because I am a regular (and close) reader of your poetry. I look forward to reading your work and always wonder how you will go about describing an emotion or some place, then I wonder what recurring themes and motifs you will include.

        For me, the real joy in reading poetry, is getting to know poets through their words and your words are among my favourites to read. I like giving your work my full attention and often try to put myself inside your mind to capture as much of the essence of your poetry as I can. At the end of the day, your intent and essence are treasures to unearth so like all good archaeologists, I do my best to uncover what is behind the poetry.

        You are always welcome to my thoughts and I will continue to read you for as long as I am here and you are writing 🙂 Hope you are having a great Friday 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Trust me, I have learned so much depth in poetry from you itself. There are meters that I understand from your work as you know how religiously I read your writings as well. The words that you talked about are my favourites and so truely you have quoted them. And I believe till the time I am writing that is forever, my pen shall not stop using the words like stardust etc.

        Your reads give me mucg deeper insights to another level which really satisfies me. I have a quench for digging further and further and reading your writings I am often intrigued as your precise, to the point poetry flows like a smooth river.

        I am really gracious that I have a writer friend like you who gives me exact precision about poetry.

        Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. It is innate, this thirst for knowledge and understanding, but for some of us it’s much deeper than that. It warms my heart to read these words from you and I raise a virtual glass to you, saying, here’s to reading, writing and deep digging. May we always find comfort in the words we love and within the words discover the secrets of those underlying souls.

        You are most welcome, Devika, and thank you, for all you give me, my writing friend. I hope you are having a great weekend!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Those thoughts are much derided
    That opulence died in the night sky
    I was a pauper in deep strife
    Those petunias were a figment of love
    I stuck him like a lost bird
    He had ulterior motives
    He was there for thrones and motifs
    I was the unfortunate one
    I was the hiersss to that portentous throne.


  3. Those thoughts are much derided
    That opulence died in the night sky
    I was a pauper in deep strife
    Those pertunias were a figment of love
    I stuck with him like a lost bird
    He had ulterior motives
    He was there for thrones and motifs

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Those thoughts were much derided
    That opulence vanished in the night sky
    I was a papuper in deep strife
    Those petunias had some nefarious design
    I stuck with him like a lost bird
    He had an ulterior motives
    He was there for throne and motifs
    I was the heiress to that wretched throne

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love reading this from heart & as i keep saying your work on romantic genre is speechless, i kept a screenshot of this as it inspires me to write on love tale.
    Keep writing!!

    Liked by 1 person

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