All I crave


Au coin de feu, Detail. by Auguste Toulmouche (1878)
image credits- Pinterest


It’s like crawling slowly and steadily on my skin, my cold skill refuses that baked slice

of lemon to provide composure, oh, the moon, show me your silver beam in this sunny gold pyramid.

It’s something like a blatant truth now suffocating my inside organs.

Clenching my unsaid words, devouring my amorphous fidelity

And, all my fingers crave is to play the music of your heart.

                                                                   ©My Valiant Soul


Published by

my valiant soul

A dreamer and a believer for the upliftment of women rights. A published poet, author, writer. Believes in dancing and cooking amazing food for hungry souls at times. Loves to write and write till the moon is satisfied. My writings can be found at Visual Verse, Indian Periodical, Sick Lit mag, Duane's Poetree, Thistle magazine, among various others. Curator of Olive Skins.

28 thoughts on “All I crave”

  1. Love does this to us. It makes us yearn the night so we can go crazy. When we try to compose ourselves, our skin crawls, that is so true. I felt the anticipation in this one, MVS. I hope your fingers get to play a lifetime of music on that heart 🙂

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