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Today, my writing is divine. With the savage to sink myself in words, I am invincible. Language embellishes me like wrapping petals of roses to the moon. I know my heartbeat today, rapturous, melancholic like almond skin.
I feel the bruises not the scars for scars are permanent ink.
I remember that sad lady lying drunk on the street, I saw myself decaying in her.
I know not today I will be like a dead stone for writing is divine today.
Dragons or mermaids do not alter my dreams. Life shall be Claustrophobic in many ways, where my silver cup of paradise might be scratched.
But I have a tooth of gold to flicker.
I have known the past and the present. I choose wisdom always.
Words created me, for my soul is a rolling stone. I know the pen is my destiny.
Cries, peals of laughter and hunger, I know all.
I have sipped the cup of poison too, so I do not fear, I rise.

©My Valiant Soul


Published by

my valiant soul

A dreamer and a believer for the upliftment of women rights. A published poet, author, writer. Believes in dancing and cooking amazing food for hungry souls at times. Loves to write and write till the moon is satisfied. My writings can be found at Visual Verse, Indian Periodical, Sick Lit mag, Duane's Poetree, Thistle magazine, among various others. Curator of Olive Skins.

83 thoughts on “Words”

  1. This is a work of art. I see that writing is your passion and it always will be. I love that this poem, in my perspective, is about how you see the light in the darkness. It’s a great message, one that I love to hear. Great, great poem, keep writing, cause you are the best type of writer, in my opinion, a writer that has the power to make one think.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. ❤ you are amazing! “Language embellishes me like wrapping petals of roses to the moon” – love that line… such a beautiful word picture

    Liked by 2 people

  3. “For scars are permanent ink.”
    Wow. You always have killer phrases like that in your poems that leave me breathless and in need of more!
    The beauty about this particular line is how true it is: physically and invisible scars are permanent. Not sure if I can articulate further how much it meant to me. 💙

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I have so many things to love about this poem D that I can’t even begin to count. And this line “I feel the bruises not the scars for scars are permanent ink”, just took away my heart. This writing is indeed divine!

    Much love!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This is good as always.You explained well about yourself.You told you are made of words and I completely agree with you.” Language embellishes me like wrapping petals to the moon” the is soo beautiful imagery.To imagine we have to use vfx.the way you compared melancholy with almond skin is soo apt.The almond skim is like that not easy and one can see something not happy in that skin.scars are my ink,wow,great.No need of explaining this line.it says that pain is kept in form of words.” I know I will be like dead stone someday” stone has no life,but why dead?? Is it tombstone?? Don’t know.Mermaids and dragons don’t alter dreams say that how clautrauphobic world it was and still comparing with paradise says how one loves their own world however small and closed it is.and still you want to be unique that which you compared with gold Tooth to flicker.words created me*** this is one of the deepest line.This is what all writers feel.and last line was awesome about poison which tells you have gone through lot of stages in life

    Liked by 1 person

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