Some things to say#2

Once again WP is playing tricks off late. My commemts are not getting published on various sites and I am having problem in interacting.

So, I would like you all my dear readers to please check your Spam also as I may be resting there.

Published by

my valiant soul

A dreamer and a believer for the upliftment of women rights. A published poet, author, writer. Believes in dancing and cooking amazing food for hungry souls at times. Loves to write and write till the moon is satisfied. My writings can be found at Visual Verse, Indian Periodical, Sick Lit mag, Duane's Poetree, Thistle magazine, among various others. Curator of Olive Skins.

11 thoughts on “Some things to say#2”

  1. I was surprised to find your comment on the poem “Firestorm” as I never received notification. Saw it this weekend by pure chance. Hope don’t think I was being rude and ignoring it. Thanks. Forrest 🙂

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