So something happened, let’s not say what exactly happened and out of a sudden impulse I deleted my previous WP account which was MY VALIANT SOUL COM.I’ve lost more than my precious 1.6 k  followers and their lovely feedback in the same process.

It would mean a lot if you guys support me once again!

Thank you.

My valiant soul.

Published by

my valiant soul

A dreamer and a believer for the upliftment of women rights. A published poet, author, writer. Believes in dancing and cooking amazing food for hungry souls at times. Loves to write and write till the moon is satisfied. My writings can be found at Visual Verse, Indian Periodical, Sick Lit mag, Duane's Poetree, Thistle magazine, among various others. Curator of Olive Skins.

59 thoughts on “BLOG GOT DELETED!”

  1. It’s sad…a blog is a like any lifeforms you nurture everyday…it grows word by word, post by post. It needs courage to start over again. Wish you luck.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. That’s sad. Your work is amazing. I can’t even comprehend what you must be feeling. Please don’t let this setback push you the other way. Fly high girl! Keep writing. ^_^
    Best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m sure you will do great! Have faith in yourself and keep going. Beating our fear makes us confident and we do love ourselves a lot more for that. Don’t you agree?

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Wishing you the best for new start dear I’m sure soon enough you will have all your fellow readers back. As they say everything happens for good maybe there is something very precious waiting ahead for you. Nice to have you back again. ❤❤❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Surprised to see you followed me again and wondered if it was a different person. Glad I decided to visit your blog and it’s sad to read this post. It’s not easy starting all over again but with optimism and courage, you’d fully bounce back in no time. I’m sure your readers have missed your amazing writings and will be glad to follow again. 🙂 Life happens to us all at some point. Best wishes to you and I’m glad to see you here again. Xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thankyou so much, it’s really overwhelming to receive so much love once again.You have always been kind and supportive and I am really honoured with your sweet gesture.
      I hope once again I come out with flying colours as its a bit tough.Nevertheless,
      Thank you!:)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re most welcome Dearie. Just give it some time, and you’d bask in joy with the colourful blog you’ll build again. Keep writing ‘cos a bigger you awaits you. Much love from Moi. Cheers. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Hey!! I found your blog poetess, be patient & stay calm while going through to abrupt phase of life.You will certainly get your lovely scribbles back.
    Keep writing & smiling😇

    Liked by 1 person

  6. SO happy you were able to return and it seems you are nearly at the 1.6 K followers you lost. I am not surprised as there should be tens of thousands roaming the halls of your blog 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Awww, that is such a sweet thing for you to say, Devika. I am blushing now. I am so happy to be able to read your beautiful poetry! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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